Logo: Susquehanna Folk Music Society
Presenting fine traditional arts in Central Pennsylvania since 1985

Give Local York 2024

ALL DAY Friday, May 2, 2025
PLUS an Open Jam, 6-8pm at York Central Market

About This Event:

We are proud to be a part of Central PA's thriving folk community, and so very thankful to be presenting and enjoying live music events that bring people together. You can help us do that by donating through Give Local York on May 2.*

We are proud to be a part of Central PA's thriving folk community, and so very thankful to be presenting and enjoying live music events that bring people together. You can help us do that by donating through Give Local York on May 2.*

Help us reach our goal of $2500! Make a donation anytime on May 2* and your gift will be partially matched!

* Giving hours are 9 pm Thursday through 9 pm Friday.

Join us on the evening of May 2 for a jam session with old-time tunes led by Todd Clewell and Barb Schmid. Everyone is welcome to join! Friday, May 2 from 6-8pm at York Central Market, 34 W Philadelphia St in downtown York, PA [map]. We'll have donation jars there too.

Visit GiveLocalYork.org to learn more about this community day of giving.

Donations are partially matched through the generosity of local businesses and the York County Cultural Alliance Arts Match.