The Susquehanna Folk Music Society's 13-member Board of Directors is made up entirely of volunteers serving three-year terms. Many Board members are musicians or folkdancers themselves, and all have a passionate interest in keeping the traditional arts alive. Many of them serve as Coordinators of interest areas within SFMS. Several other members have significant responsibilities as well, including our salaried Executive Director.
Individuals who are active in the folk community and interested in shaping Susquehanna Folk's future are encouraged to review the job description and contact us.
Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month, via Zoom, starting at 7pm Eastern Time. Twice yearly the board meets in person.
Steve Wennberg - President
- Executive & Finance committees
Terry Bachmann - Vice President
- Executive committee
Ezra Match - Vice President
- Executive & Finance committees
Membership interim
Tom Imholte - Treasurer
- Executive & Finance committees
Fred Heagy
Devin Rice
- New Roots committee
William Gulvin
Randy Heisley-Cato
Karen Hostetter
- York Folk committee (co-chair)
Mary-Grace Lee
- New Roots committee
Sara Willard Lee
- New Roots committee (co-chair)
Coordinator for Emerging Artist Showcase
Nancy Scherer
- SFMS Bulk Mail Coordinator
Bradley E. Weirich
- York Folk committee
Eric Imhof
- Lancaster Folk committee
Graphic consultant
Sue Craley
Peter Winter Lee - Executive Director
- Committees:
Concert/Marketing (chair),
New Roots committee (co-chair),
York Folk (co-chair),
Resource Development,
Coordinator for Concert Series, Music Workshops and Arts-in-Education
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