Logo: Susquehanna Folk Music Society
Presenting fine traditional arts in Central Pennsylvania since 1985

The Susquehanna Folk Arts Center presents a virtual workshop: Writing an Apprenticeship Grant

Saturday, February 3, 2024 Live on Zoom, 10 am to noon Eastern

About This Event:

Learn how to apply for a grant from the PCA’s “Apprenticeships in Folk and Traditional Arts” program. These grants support artists in teaching OR developing their artistic skills/repertoire, providing up to $4,000 in funding.

Aron Rook and Jim Hiser sit close together to work on a wood-carving. Aron is a young woman of Asian appearance, with straight black hair falling past her face.  Jim is a portly man of middle age with a shaved head and short white goatee.  He wears purple-framed reading glasses.

Apprentice Aron Rook works on a wood carving as master carver Jim Hiser observes. Aron and Jim were one of three master/apprentice pairs who successfully applied for a 2022-2023 PCA Folk Arts Apprenticeship grant with SFMS's assistance.

Learn how to apply for a grant from the PCA’s “Apprenticeships in Folk and Traditional Arts” program. These grants support artists in teaching OR developing their artistic skills/repertoire, providing up to $4,000 in funding.

This FREE virtual workshop will explain the program and walk you through the application process. Whether you have an idea for this year or next, this workshop will help you design and write the best application you can.

SFMS folklorist Amy Skillman leads the workshop. Participants will learn who is eligible, how to write a compelling application narrative, how to develop a budget, and what criteria are used to evaluate applications.

Current grant recipients will talk about the grant writing process, how they found a master artist, and tips for undertaking a successful apprenticeship. Over the past three years, all of the artists we’ve assisted with their application have received grant funding!

SFMS is also pleased to offer individual grant-writing assistance to artists as part of our role as a Pennsylvania Folk Arts Partner with the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA). Make arrangements with Amy at the workshop, or email her at folkarts@sfmsfolk.org.

The PCA defines folk arts as “those artistic traditions characteristic of specific ethnic, religious, linguistic, occupational, or regional groups. These arts are shaped and shared within families, neighborhoods, and communities. They are passed down from one generation to another and learned through ongoing participation in community-based activities, and through observation, practice or apprenticeships with elders and masters rather than through classes, books or other means of institutional instruction.”

Learn more


Workshop: 10 am to noon US Eastern Time

General ticket info

Donations Welcome!

If you have the means, we would welcome your help to cover production costs for this and other SFMS programs. Registration includes a donation option. We appreciate your support!

This workshop is sponsored by our Susquehanna Folk Arts Center, created in partnership with the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Meet some amazing artists from Central PA in our Folk Artists Gallery.